Life’s Little Instruction Book

instructionsFor as long as I can remember, I have been reading the pages of this book, which was originally written as three separate books by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. The pages were filled with words of wisdom to give to his son before leaving for college. Brown began jotting down these ‘instructions’ in the Fall of 1990. He felt that a collection of insight and discoveries would provide a positive influence for his son as he embarked into manhood. At the time, there were 511 ‘instructions’. He continued to send more collections to his son in the years that followed. To his surprise and delight, the books were published and became best sellers.

Now I have the fortune to have all of them (the three complete volumes) compiled into one beautifully bound book with 1560 ‘instructions’. I certainly have my favorites and there are many that are just down right funny, and others that are full of great wisdom and common sense. At any rate, I would like to share some of those quotes with you and I would love to hear some of your favorites as well!

My all time favorite quote is from Volume Two: #594 –“Remember that no time spent with your children is ever wasted”. Over the years, I changed it to suit me and thus end many letters, emails, etc. with this time honored quote: “Time spent with children is never wasted.” Pretty suited to me – considering I was an elementary school teacher for 12 years. When I had to leave my job, my friends created a lovely framed print that included this quote. It is a true treasure and one that I will cherish always!

16166_10205054308502659_7916319023010367486_n (2)If you would like to learn more about Brown and his series of books (he has done more than just “Life’s Little Instruction Book”), I invite you to visit him at


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