Today’s Life Instructions

01fe1702064d8393e3a68b1fa06a0b5fd67bcf52dc-002I’m distracted today. I probably should have signed on much earlier to write a blog post. But alas, I’m struggling to stay focused. This is not my typical “lupus fog” kind of struggle – but something much deeper. I realize that when I decided to share my thoughts with the world (or whoever was willing to read them), I needed to be careful about revealing too much. Please don’t get me wrong, when it’s about me – I’m perfectly willing to be an open book. But when someone else is involved, well that is a different story…

Being a teacher was no doubt the rewarding experience that I hoped it would be. But when it was brand new to me – 12 years ago – I didn’t have the same confidence in my ability to impact the lives of my students. At the time, I taught 4th grade. It was the only year that I taught 4th grade – I changed to 3rd grade my second year of teaching and remained there throughout the duration of my career. But there is something about that first group of students. And sometimes, it comes down to just one student.

I had a troubled student in my class that year and I was in an incredibly toxic relationship with someone that I have chosen to forget about (luckily, he was in my life for only a year). But this student remained in my thoughts for all the years that followed. Over the years, I have wondered about the well being and the whereabouts of this particular student and have even searched the Internet in hopes of finding something. Well, a couple of weeks back, I finally did.

I chose to make contact. Today, I was surprised by a letter that came in the mail. It was from that troubled student that I had so many years ago. Since receiving the letter, I have read it over and over again and I learned a lot. I have been pondering what to write back. It is because of this that I have been distracted. I would rather not elaborate at this time – so please don’t ask – like I said, when someone else is involved, well I’m sure you get it (or at least I hope you do).

So with that I have three “instructions” to share with you today – all from Volume One of Life’s Little Instruction Book…

#138: “Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have.”

#445: “Never underestimate the power of a kind word or deed.”

#463: “Don’t use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved.”

May everyday be a blessing…

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