First Snow…

We got our first snow of the season today! I’m sure everyone who lives in an area where it snows in the winter feels this way when they first see the soft, white flakes fall from the sky. But after living in Nevada for so long, I’m sure for our family, it is quite the spectacle!

Loser500The air is crisp and it reminds me of the book Loser, by Jerry Spinelli, which was one of my favorite books to read aloud. I looked forward to reading it every year and always felt sad when my yearly visit with Donald Zinkoff came to an end.

Zinkoff is quite the character, and you cannot help but to fall in love with his charm…right from the start when he wears his 3-foot tall giraffe hat to school on his very first day. He discovers that he loves school and cannot wait for all of the “2,160” total school days ahead of him. Throughout the story, you learn of his soccer days and scoring for the wrong team, the Waiting Man, the “Oh Mailman” lady, the “furnace monster”, his “best friend’s” interesting collection that he keeps in hopes of making a candle, and of course Claudia – the little girl lost in the snow.

First SnowIt is Zinkoff’s transformation that takes place during his search for little Claudia that came to my mind today as I stepped outside to feel the chill of the air and gaze upon the snow that so quietly danced to the ground. So poetic. It prompted me to see if I could capture its beauty in a photograph. I call it “First Snow“…

After showing it to my husband, I explained that I was really looking for “new and interesting” ways of capturing the moments we experience in life within a unique photograph (Inspired by my Nephew, Cade, who is an AWESOME photographer!) Well, my husband, who can generally outdo me on just about everything 🙂 decided to participate in this creative endeavor. Not only did he capture the “essence” of our first snow, he also captured a snapshot that takes me back to Zinkoff and little Claudia in the snow. . Craig calls it “The Lonely Wheelbarrow” and I think it is just beautiful…

The Lonely WheelbarrowWhat do you think? Perhaps it is time for me to visit Donald Zinkoff once again with a hot cup of Chicken Noodle Soup (Cambell’s Classic, of course!)

With that, I have a wonderful quote for today from Volume Three of Life’s Little Instruction Book to share with you…

#1314: “Remember that life’s most treasured moments often come unannounced.”

~ May everyday be a blessing

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